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Fig. 2. Concentration-response curves for ACR-16 co-expressed with X. laevis RIC-3. The mean peak current amplitude [normalized to 100 μM acetylcholine (ACh)] was recorded from voltage clamped oocytes 48 h post-injection with 50 ng acr-16/Xenopus ric-3 cRNA at a 1 : 1 ratio (n = 8, n = 4). ACh (closed circles) EC50 = 24 μM (95% CI = 19–30 μM), Hill Slope = 2.177. Nicotine (open circles) EC50 = 22 μM (95% CI = 15–33 μM), Hill Slope = 1.906.

Image published in: Bennett HM et al. (2012)

© 2012 International Society for Neurochemistry. Creative Commons Attribution license

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