Xenbase Image ID: 123937
Figure 5. The interaction between L356 and F380 is within the same subunit. Diagrams representing subunit composition of the tandem L356XtandemWT (A, top row), the tandem L356XtandemF380X (B, top row), and the tandem L356X+F380XtandemWT (C, top row) in which X = C or A. Each subunit is represented by a circle, whereas the linker of 10 amino acids between two subunits of the tandem is represented by an arc (see Materials and methods). In the middle row, cGMP-activated currents in the presence of 1 mM cGMP at +60 mV in the tandem L356CtandemWT (A, middle row), in the tandem L356CtandemF380C (B, middle row), and in the tandem L356C+F380CtandemWT (C, middle row). In the bottom row, cGMP-activated currents in the presence of 1 mM cGMP at +60 mV in the tandem L356AtandemWT (A, bottom row), in the tandem L356AtandemF380A (B, bottom row), and in the tandem L356A+F380AtandemWT (C, bottom row). Image published in: Mazzolini M et al. (2009) © 2009 Mazzolini et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |