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Xenbase Image ID: 124056

Figure 9. Cadmium and bBBr reduce A40C currents. (A) Reduction of A40C unapposed hemichannel currents by CdCl2 is reversed by washing. Macroscopic currents attributable to A40C residues were examined by applying a series of voltage polarizations between −90 and 50 mV. The application of 10 µM CdCl2 during this voltage paradigm causes a ∼90% reduction in current in the case shown. However, unlike A43C channels, currents are fully restored by wash with cadmium-free bath solution. These results are interpreted to indicate that A40C residues do not form a high affinity cadmium binding site when the channel is closed by either loop or Vj gating. (B) A40C unapposed hemichannels are accessible to bBBr modification. BBBr was applied to the channels at the time indicated in the bar line as the channel was repeatedly stepped from −90 to 50 mV. Currents were reduced by ∼50% at positive potentials and were not reversed by wash.

Image published in: Tang Q et al. (2009)

© 2009 Tang et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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