Xenbase Image ID: 117135
Figure 3. SpARC1 is a soluble luminal protein.A, Sub-cellular fractionation. Xenopus laevis embryos expressing myc-tagged SpARC1 were homogenized in a sucrose-containing buffer and diluted in to the same buffer (C), a carbonate-containing buffer (Na2CO3) or a hypertonic buffer (Hyper.). In other experiments the embryos were freeze-thawed and sonicated in a hypotonic buffer (Hypo.). All samples were centrifuged and the resulting pellets and supernatant fractions analysed by Western blotting. B, Proteolytic protection. Xenopus laevis embryos expressing myc-tagged SpARC1 were homogenized in a sucrose-containing buffer and the homogenates incubated with or without 1% v/v Triton X-100. Samples were then treated with the indicated concentration of proteinase K before Western blot analysis. Image published in: Churamani D et al. (2007) Churamani et al. Creative Commons Attribution license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |