Xenbase Image ID: 123517
Figure 7. Analyses of the voltage-dependent gating of P2X2 mutants in the presence of various [ATP]. The data from the mutants were analyzed as in Fig. 2, and representative plots were derived from the data in Fig. 6. (A) Analyses of the activation kinetics of G344P at various [ATP]. (B) Normalized G-V relationships for the macroscopic currents through G344P. (C and D) V1/2 (C) and Z (D) values for G344P at various [ATP]. (E) Calculated α and β values for G344P in the presence of 300 μM ATP were plotted versus membrane potential. The data from the WT channel in 300 μM ATP were also plotted (gray symbols) for comparison. (F) Comparison of the EC50 values of the [ATP] response relationship for the WT channel and the mutants. Image published in: Fujiwara Y et al. (2009) © 2009 Fujiwara et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |