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Xenbase Image ID: 126726

FIGURE 2. Prolongation of current deactivation after ATP washout for P2X1-2TM chimeras. a, shown are concentration responses to ATP for P2X2 (gray line) and chimeric P2X1-2TM1 and P2X1-2TM2 receptors (n = 3–5). b, shown are time-course of currents evoked by a 3-s application of an EC75 concentration of ATP (P2X2 10 μm, P2X1-2TM1 0.1 μm, P2X1-2TM2 1 μm). ATP was applied for 3 s as shown by the black bar. Traces are normalized to the peak current to highlight the prolonged deactivation for the chimeric receptors on washout of ATP.

Image published in: Allsopp RC and Evans RJ (2011)

© 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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