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Xenbase Image ID: 188647

Figure 4. RanBP1 is dispensable for cell growth and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of a model substrate. (a) Crystal violet assay of HCT116RanBP1-μAID/HA and parental HCT116 cells grown with or without Auxin (1 mM) for 4 d. Quantification of the number of cells are shown on the right. (b) Left: HCT116RanBP1-μAID/HA cells, expressing a model NLS-NES-containing substrate (NLS-mCherry-LEXY). In this system, exposure of cells to UV light induces nuclear export, while switching off light induces nuclear import. White circle indicates the region of fluorescent intensity measurements. Right: Quantification of nucleocytoplasmic transport in HCT116RanBP1-μAID/HA cells without (n = 6) and with 1 mM Auxin (n = 4). Note similar dynamics of both nuclear import and export in cells with or without RanBP1. N.s., non-significant (t-test).

Image published in: Yau KC et al. (2020)

This work was authored as part of the Contributor's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license

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