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Figure 11. Kinetics of CPB association (on) and dissociation (off). The apparent rates of association, ron, and dissociation, roff, were calculated from the steady-state unbound probability, pU, and from the slow time constants of current relaxations, τs, using . (A) Plots of mean values of ron and roff at −140 mV as a function of the CPB concentration, c; the straight lines are fits with roff = koff = 0.88 s−1 and ron = c · kon = c · 1.84 mM−1 s−1. (B) The apparent second order association rate constant, kon, and first order dissociation rate constant, koff, estimated as shown in A are plotted as a function of voltage (open symbols); For positive voltages, only koff could be obtained as pU is close to unity; the solid lines in B were obtained by the simulation with Fig. 4 (see materials and methods).

Image published in: Pusch M et al. (2001)

© 2001 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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