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Figure 2. Functional constraints are similar in early and later stages of duplicate gene evolution in X. laevis paralogs. (A) Binned Ka/Ks of early (blue) and later (red) stages of duplicate gene evolution. (B) Regression of Ka/Ks versus Ks in the early and later stages indicates that selection (relaxed purifying + positive) is not more common in the early stage of duplicate gene evolution (blue dots) than the later stage (red dots). The Y-intercept of these regression lines was set to zero and Ka/Ks ratios greater 2 (including undefined ratios) were given a value of 2. In (A) and (B), a dashed line indicates the neutral expectation. Fragments with Ka/Ks > 2 are, on average, half of the size of those with Ka/Ks < 2. Ka/Ks ratios above 2 may therefore be attributable in part to stochastic variance in Ks [43].

Image published in: Chain FJ et al. (2008)

Copyright ©2008 Chain et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution license

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