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Xenbase Image ID: 123838

Figure 5. Unphosphorylated XDpr1a promotes, but CKIδ-phosphorylated XDpr1a blocks, β-catenin degradation.Myc:XDpr1a was added to an in vitro β-catenin degradation assay after preincubation with or without CKIδ followed by anti-Myc immunoprecipitation. β-galactosidase preincubated with or without CKIδ was used as a control. Untreated XDpr1a promoted β-catenin degradation, whereas XDpr1a preincubated with CKIδ blocked β-catenin degradation. The data shown represent assays repeated six times.

Image published in: Teran E et al. (2009)

Teran et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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