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Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows force noise traces of different cantilevers which are common in molecular recognition force spectroscopy (MRFS). All curves have been extracted from force distance cycles, showing 50 nm ranges of the non-contact region of the retrace at the same loading rate (1 s sweep duration, 600 nm force distance cycles, 2000 data points). (A and B) Force noise traces of the Type B and Type D prototype cantilevers. The 150 nm cantilever with a spring constant of 21 pN/nm showed the lowest thermal force noise. BRUKER Cant. (B) (Fig. 4E, 20 pN/nm), (C) (Fig. 4F, 10 pN/nm) and (D) (Fig. 4G, 30 pN/nm) and the Olympus BioLever (Fig. 4C, 6 pN/nm) and TSP400 (Fig. 4D, 20 pN/nm) cantilever showed higher thermal force fluctuations.

Image published in: Leitner M et al. (2012)

© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license

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