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Fig. 4. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of each gintonin prepared from ginseng root, stem, and leaf. (A) SDS-PAGE of the crude gintonins obtained from anion exchange chromatography. Coomassie Brilliant blue staining was used to stain protein moieties of gintonins. Crude gintonin prepared from ginseng root (R), stem (S), and leaf (L) in SDS–PAGE showed that the apparent molecular weight of gintonin is about 13 kDa. (B) Periodic acid-Schiff staining demonstrated that crude gintonins contain carbohydrate moiety.

Image published in: Pyo MK et al. (2011)

Copyright ©2011, The Korean Society of Ginseng. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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