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Xenbase Image ID: 151217

Figure 11. Overexpression of Ki-67 induces ectopic heterochromatin.(A) Overexpression of full length Ki-67 N-terminal fusion with eGFP in U2OS cells induces ectopic heterochromatin, as visualised by DAPI staining (middle) and immunofluorescence of H3K9Me3 (left) or HP1β (right). Eight representative cells that have different levels of Ki-67 expression, as determined by eGFP fluorescence intensity, are shown. Bar, 10 µm. (B) U2OS cells expressing high levels of exogenous eGFP-Ki-67 and showing ectopic chromatin condensation are negative for cyclin A staining by immunofluorescence. (C) Left: Immunofluorescence analysis of the localisation of endogenous human and ectopically expressed Xenopus Ki-67 in U2OS cells, showing colocalisation in metaphase at the perichromosomal region. Right: DNA condensation caused by high overexpression of Xenopus Ki-67 in U2OS cells. Bars, 10 µm.DOI: 11—figure supplement 1. Overexpression of Ki-67 induces ectopic heterochromatin.Overexpression of full length Ki-67 N-terminal fusion with eGFP (GFP, left panels) in U2OS cells induces ectopic heterochromatin, as visualised by DAPI staining (DNA, right panels) or immunofluorescence of HP1α (centre, middle), whereas cells with lower Ki-67 expression levels have normal chromatin. Immunofluorescence of Ki-67 (top, middle) shows colocalisation of fusion protein with overall Ki-67 pattern. Immunofluorescence of phospho-histone H3S10 shows expected staining of mitotic metaphase (bottom, middle panel) but no staining in a cell with ectopic heterochromatin (top right cell, same panel) due to Ki-67 overexpression (GFP, bottom left panel). Bar, 10 µmDOI:

Image published in: Sobecki M et al. (2016)

© 2016, Sobecki et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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