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Xenbase Image ID: 128071

Figure 2. Proposed origin of osteichthyan Kissr tetra-paralogons. The paralogous genes of each of the eight identified families delineate four paralogons in the spotted gar, coelacanth, and human genomes and a duplicated tetra-paralogon in the zebrafish genome. This suggests a common origin of the four Kissr before the two whole genome duplication rounds (1R and 2R) which occurred in the early vertebrate history. This also suggests no impact of the teleost-specific 3R on Kissr number in current teleosts. Chr, chromosome; LG, linkage group.

Image published in: Pasquier J et al. (2012)

Copyright © 2012 Pasquier, Lafont, Tostivint, Vaudry, Rousseau and Dufour. Creative Commons Attribution license

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