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Xenbase Image ID: 129662

Figure 7. The influence of the random variable and initial angle on ascending axon growth.Groups of 25 ascending axons, grown using aIN parameters. Note: All axons start at 2000 µm rostro-caudally and from a range of dorso-ventral positions. The fixed point of stability for aINs is indicated (red line shows ). (A–C) Axon starts are randomly distributed dorso-ventrally. As the random variable is increased (values of α indicated), trajectories become more variable: for , axon trajectories approach ; for and , trajectories increasingly deviate from . (D)(E) Axons have lengths, dorso-ventral start positions and initial angles distributed according to generalized aIN values. With , no axons reach within the length of the axon. With , the value optimized for aINs, the tendency of growth towards is much less obvious, but the axon trajectories are much more realistic. (F) Ascending axons of real aINs, aligned rostro-caudally to match the model axons.

Image published in: Borisyuk R et al. (2014)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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