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Xenbase Image ID: 124161

Figure 2. Apoptosis induced in a half portion of an embryo. Only one blastomere of a 2-celled embryo was injected with a mixture of SAMDC mRNA (1 ng/egg) and GFP mRNA (100 pg/egg), and embryos were filmed at early blastula (A, B) and early gastrula (C, D) stage using the visible light (A, C) and UV light (B, D). In B, cells expressing GFP, hence containing SAMDC mRNA, cleaved normally, but after MBT one half portion of the embryo which expressed GFP (D) underwent cell dissociation (C). (Kuroyanagi S, Shiokawa K, unpublished).

Image published in: Shiokawa K et al. (2008)

© 2008 by the authors. Creative Commons Attribution license

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