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Xenbase Image ID: 127930

Fig. 4. bicoid mRNA localises normally in Dgp71WD120 oocytes.(A–C) bcd mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridisation in representative stage 11/12 WT, Dgp71WD120 and Dgrip75175 oocytes. bcd mRNA localises normally to the anterior end of the oocyte in WT and Dgp71WD120 mutants but is mislocalised towards the posterior in Dgrip75175 mutants (white arrowhead). (D) Quantification of bcd mRNA localisation defects in WT, Dgp71WD120 and Dgrip75175 oocytes. Oocytes were scored as having bcd localised either at <25% or >25% egg length. WT, n = 30; Dgp71WD120, n = 36, Dgrip75175, n = 17. Significance testing was conducted using a Chi-squared test. Scale Bar = 50 µm.

Image published in: Reschen RF et al. (2012)

© 2012. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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