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Xenbase Image ID: 133186

Figure 6: CaD is required for CNC explants to spread and segregate on FN matrix. (A) CNC explants were dissected from early neurula embryos injected with control-MO or CaD-MO (10 ng) and plated on FN. By 10 h, control-MO–expressing cells spread and migrated extensively and segregated into three streams. However, cells from CaD-MO–expressing explants failed to spread efficiently or separate into streams. Coinjection of 100–200 pg of CaD largely rescued the spread and segregation of the explants. Arrows with numbers marked the segregated lobes. High-magnification differential interference contrast imaging of the explants (B, 40×) and fluorescence imaging of cells with membrane labeling (C, 20×) show that whereas control-MO–expressing cells extended multiple membrane protrusions, CaD-MO–expressing cells remained unpolarized and were often rounded. (D) The cells were tracked for 2 h and trajectories plotted. Although the speed of migration was largely unaffected, the directionality of migration was significantly impaired by CaD-MO. Black traces indicate that the ratio of the final distance to the entire route covered is >0.3, and red indicates that it was <0.3.

Image published in: Nie S et al. (2011)

© 2011 Nie et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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