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Xenbase Image ID: 171564

Figure 4 CS treatment does not alter neuroepithelial organization. Embryos were exposed to either control or CS solutions (10 mg/mL) at stage 33/34 and examined at stage 40. (A)–(B) Confocal images of control (A) and CS (B)- treated brain sections stained with anti-BrdU following BrdU injections at stage 40. BrdU incorporation was restricted to the ventricular surface (vs) of the neuroepithelium and was unaffected by CS treatment. Exposed side is to the left. (C)–(D) Major axon tracts were not affected by CS treatment as seen with antiacetylated tubulin staining in wholemount control (C) and CS-treated (D) brains. Dorsal is up, anterior to the left. Scale bar is 100 m in (C) and (D) and 50 m in (A) and (B).

Image published in: Walz A et al. (2002)

Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

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