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Xenbase Image ID: 154471

igure 4. Single-Channel Recordings of Slack Mutants R455H and A945T in Xenopus Oocytes (A and B) Representative on-cell single-channel trace recorded at 80 mV from a patch expressing Slack R455H (A) and the corresponding all-points amplitude histogram (B). (C) Binomial distribution for five R455H channels based on the mean single-channel Po from four low-N R455H patches. (D and E) Representative high-N trace (D) and all-points amplitude histogram (E) from a patch containing five Slack R455H channels. (F) Cooperativity ratios (comparing P(k)obs for R455H versus WT Slack) were calculated from the means of three and five high-N patches for G455R and WT Slack, respectively. The ratio shows a significant deviation from the expected value of one for all five channel openings. (G and H) Representative low-N recording (G) and corresponding all-points amplitude histogram (H) from a patch containing A945T channels 80 mV. (I) Binomial distribution for six channels based on the mean single-channel Po in low-N A945T patches (n = 5 low-N patches). (J and K) Representative high-N recording (J) and corresponding all-points amplitude histogram (K) from patches containing six A945T channels. (L) Cooperativity ratio as calculated from the means of three and five high-N patches for A945T and WT Slack, respectively.

Image published in: Kim GE et al. (2014)

Copyright © 2014. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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