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Figure 6. Comparison of the Ca2+ dependencies of Po of r-InsP3R-3 and X-InsP3R-1 in 10 μM InsP3 and 0.5 mM ATP. Open circles represent data for r-InsP3R-3 from this study, fitted with the solid curve; closed circles represent data for X-InsP3R-1 taken from (Mak et al. 1998), fitted with the dashed curve. The curves are calculated using the Hill equation () with the tabulated parameters. Higher affinity and lack of cooperativity of the Ca2+ activation sites of the type 3 channel endow it with high gain IICR and low gain CICR. In contrast, lower affinity and presence of cooperativity of the Ca2+ activation sites of the type 1 channel confer low gain IICR and high gain CICR. Under resting [Ca2+]i, low levels of stimulation will trigger release of Ca2+ by IICR from the type 3 channel, which in turn will trigger further release by CICR from the type 1 channel.

Image published in: Mak DO et al. (2001)

© 2001 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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