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Xenbase Image ID: 126345

Figure 4. Expression of gcm2 in Medaka, fugu, Polypterus, sturgeon and Xenopus.(A, B) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for gcm2 in 13-day-old Medaka. (C, D) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for gcm2 in 7-day-old fugu. (B, D) Magnification of the skin surface. gcm2 is expressed in the gills (arrowheads) and the cells on the skin surface of the teleostean fishes, Medaka and fugu. (E, F) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for gcm2 and atp1b1 probes in 48-hpf Polypterus. (E) gcm2 is expressed in the gills (arrowhead). (F) atp1b1 is expressed in the kidney and the cells on the skin surface. (G, H) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for gcm2 and atp1b1 in sturgeon at stage 32. (G) gcm2 is expressed in the gills (arrowhead). (H) atp1b1 is expressed in the cells on the skin surface. (I) Scanning electron microscopy on the yolk sac membrane of sturgeon at stage 32. Ionocytes (arrowheads) protrude between the epithelial cells. (J) Whole-mount in situ hybridization with the gcm2 probe in Xenopus at stage 37. gcm2 is expressed in the gills (arrowhead) but not on the skin surface of Polypterus, sturgeon, and Xenopus embryos.

Image published in: Shono T et al. (2011)

Shono et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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