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Xenbase Image ID: 125529

Figure 6. cHES6 overexpression phenotypes.(A-Fi) Overexpression of cHES6-1 causes up-regulation of (A-Ci) cDelta1 and (D-Fi) cHes5-1. (Ci), (Fi) are magnifications of the selected areas in (C) and (F), respectively. Arrows pinpoint electroporated cells (GFP+) with increased expression. (G-J) Whole-mount analysis of cHes5-1 expression in electroporated embryos shows that overexpression of cHES6-2 down-regulates cHes5-1 (I–J), contrasting with the up-regulation caused by cHES6-1 overexpression (G–H).

Image published in: Vilas-Boas F and Henrique D (2010)

Vilas-Boas, Henrique. Creative Commons Attribution license

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