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Xenbase Image ID: 168959

Fig 5. Chimeric Dm_p53 exhibited higher transactivation potential but no changes in transactivation specificity.A) schematic view of the two types of chimeric constructs tested, as described in Material and Methods. B, C) Transactivation activity of Dm_p53, hN63-Dm_p53 and hN92-ΔNDm_p53, and Hs_p53 proteins on five human natural p53 binding sites (see Table 3). Two galactose concentrations (0.008% and 0.064%) were tested. D) Radar plot charts in Log10 scale of relative transactivation potential of chimeric Dm_p53 (black line) relative to the results with the p21 RE (set to 1). Results with non-chimeric Dm_p53 are overlaid (gray line).

Image published in: Lion M et al. (2015)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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