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Figure 3. Sequence and expression analyses of ADAMs 12, 13/33, and 19. A) Phylogenetic analysis of selected ADAM family members including gene models from opossum and fish. A subset of the ADAM family from human, mouse, opossum (MONDO), bird (QUAIL, CHICK), X. tropicalis, and zebrafish (DANRE) was aligned and a neighbor-joining tree was drawn using ClustalX. The ADAM13/33 clade is highlighted, and numbers are bootstrap values (in percentage) from Neighbor (top), Protpars (middle), and Proml (bottom) analyses (see Additional File 6, D-F for trees generated using these models). B) Developmental expression of adams 12, 13, and 19. RNA from X. tropicalis embryos at the indicated stages was analyzed for the presence of adam12, 13, and 19 transcripts by RT-PCR. Primer pairs for all adams were designed to span at least one large intron, so that the PCR products will not be contaminated by amplification of genomic DNA. PCR products for all 3 adams were confirmed by DNA sequencing.

Image published in: Wei S et al. (2010)

Copyright ©2010 Wei et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution license

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