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Xenbase Image ID: 129038

Figure 2. Organization of genomic region and mRNA and encoding TEH1-like subunit of P. americana.A. The genomic region of Pateh1 consists in two exons interrupted by a short intron. The intron sequence is in lowercase letters and splice donor site, branch site and splice acceptor site are underlined. Sizes of exons and intron are indicated in parentheses. *: stop codon. B. Exclusion or retention of the intron led to PaTEH1A and PaTEH1B variants with different C-terminal ends. The 94 bp intron sequence contains a short new coding sequence followed by an in-frame stop codon. This generates a second protein (PaTEH1B) with a novel C-terminal end.

Image published in: Bourdin CM et al. (2013)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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