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Xenbase Image ID: 124345

Figure 5. C-Tpr import into the nucleus is cytosol, temperature and energy dependent and is blocked by WGA. Digitonin-permeabilized NRK cells were incubated with 8 pmoles of Cy5-C-Tpr for 20 min at 30°C (panel A) or 4°C (panel B) in the presence of cytosol and an energy-regenerating system. Panel C: 8 μg WGA was added. Panel D: the ATP regenerating system was replaced by an ATP-depleting system, 0.8885 U hexokinase + glucose. Samples were visualized by confocal microscopy.

Image published in: Ben-Efraim I et al. (2009)

Copyright © 2009 Ben-Efraim et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution license

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