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Xenbase Image ID: 125518

Figure 2. Voltage-dependent conformational rearrangements reported from the N-terminal flank of S0. (A) A unique cysteine was substituted at position 17 at the putative N-terminal flank of S0 in a BKCa channel α subunit and covalently labeled with the fluorophore TMRM to resolve conformational rearrangements from this region. (B) Voltage pulses and characteristic evoked K+ currents from BKCa channels labeled with TMRM at position 17. (C) TMRM fluorescence traces recorded during the voltage pulses in B. (D) Normalized K+ conductance (G; black circles) and ΔF/F (red squares) plotted against membrane potential and fitted with Boltzmann distributions (black and red curves, respectively). Boltzmann parameters are listed in Table I. Error bars represent SEM. (E–H) As in A–D, respectively, for BKCa channels labeled with TMRM at position 18. (I–L) As in A–D, respectively, for BKCa channels labeled with TMRM at position 19.

Image published in: Pantazis A et al. (2010)

© 2010 Pantazis et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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