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Xenbase Image ID: 127809

Figure 3. Blocking affinity of Mg2+ is decreased by internal K+. Voltage-dependent reduction in single-channel current was analyzed as in Fig. 1, with 25 or 110 mM K+ in the cytoplasmic (bath) solution. The extracellular (pipette) solution contained 11 mM K+ and zero Na+. (A) Current traces at +40 mV with 25 mM [K+]in with and without 1 mM Mg2+. (B) i-V relationships for the conditions in A. (C) Analysis of voltage dependence. Fractional block is linearized and fit to Eq. 3. Linear regression gives estimates of Ki(0) = 2.38 and zδ = 0.68 (110 mM [K+]in), and Ki(0) = 0.92 and zδ = 0.61 (25 mM [K+]in).

Image published in: Yang L et al. (2012)

© 2012 Yang et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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