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Xenbase Image ID: 122795

Figure 3. Mutations stabilizing Kv7.1 to the closed state.(A) and (B) Representative current traces of WT and L239W, respectively, recorded as in Figure 2 A. (C) and (D) Normalized conductance of the mutants (black squares) L239W (n = 5) and L236W (n = 10), respectively, compared to WT (open squares). (E) and (F) Representative current traces of R228W and I235W, respectively, recorded as in Figure 2 A. (G) Normalized conductance of R228W (n = 8) (black squares), compared to WT (open squares). (H) The time t1/2 needed to reach half-maximal current amplitude was determined for R228W, I235W and WT (n = 8–20).

Image published in: Shamgar L et al. (2008)

Shamgar et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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