Xenbase Image ID: 123976
Figure 3. Two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiological experiments on Xenopus oocytes.A) Oocytes injected with Asu- unc-38 or Asu-unc-29 cRNAs alone produced no functional receptors, whereas oocytes injected with both subunit cRNAs in an equimolar ratio gave robust responses to application of 100 µM acetylcholine (ACh). B) Oocytes injected with an equimolar ratio of Asu-unc-38 and Asu-unc-29 cRNA responded to 100 µM acetylcholine (ACh), 100 µM levamisole (lev) and 100 µM nicotine (nic). These responses could all be reversibly blocked by application of 10 µM mecamylamine. C) Dose-response relationships for the agonists levamisole (lev, grey circles), acetylcholine (ACh, black diamonds) and nicotine (nic, black triangles) from oocytes injected with an equimolar ratio of Asu-unc-38 and Asu-unc-29. Responses are all normalized to the response to 100 µM acetylcholine. N = 3 (where N is batches of oocytes) and n = 6 (where n is the number of individual oocytes) minimum for each data point. Image published in: Williamson SM et al. (2009) Williamson et al. Creative Commons Attribution license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |