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Xenbase Image ID: 124706

Figure 1. CheB42a encodes a protein with sequence similarity to aryl sulfotransferase 1A.Top line shows predicted aminoa acid sequence of Drosophila melanogaster CheB42a, and second and third lines show predicted amino acid sequences of Ornithorhynchus anatinus (platypus) and Homo sapiens (human) aryl sulfotransferase. Green, conserved residues; yellow, conserved residues in two of the aligned proteins; blue, similar residues. Accession numbers for the aligned proteins are: CheB42a, NM_206043.2; O_anatinus, NP_001121091; H_sapiens, NP_003157.1.

Image published in: Ben-Shahar Y et al. (2010)

Ben-Shahar et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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