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Xenbase Image ID: 79369

Fig. 2. (A) Larval (st48) Xenopus specimens showing distribution of acetylated tubulin labeled nerves in the head. (A) Right lateral view of the head with anterior to the right, and dorsal to the top of the figure. (B) Superior, dorsal view of the right side of the head with anterior to the left. Asterisks mark branches of sensory nerves that serve the cornea epithelium in A or their origins in B. (C) Confocal images showing different depths of acetylated tubulin immunostaining (red), cell boundaries labeled with phalloidin (green) and DAPI nuclear stain (blue). (C) Acetylated tubulin stained nerves of the outer epithelial layer. (D) Basal epithelial distribution of acetylated tubulin labeled nerves. (E) Fibrillar layer containing labeled nerve trunks with branching structures. (F) Confocal image showing distribution of acetylated tubulin labeled nerves in the cornea (red). (G) Corresponding image showing distribution of Substance P (green). (H) Merged images from F and G showing overlapping acetylated tubulin and Substance P protein localization. an, abducens nerve (CN VI); fb, forebrain; fn, facial nerve (CN VII); gn, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX); ion, infraorbital nerve; mn, mandibular nerve; mnb, fine branches of the mandibular nerve; ncn, nasociliary nerve (with m and l, labeling its terminal medial and lateral branches, respectively, which pass to the sides of the olfactory organs (nose)); ofn, olfactory nerve (CN I); omn, oculomotor nerve (CN III); on, optic nerve (CN II); opn, ophthalmic nerve; rn, retrograde branch of nasociliary nerves; son, supraorbital nerve; tn, trochlear nerve (CN IV); tgn, trigeminal nerve (CN V). Scale bar in H equals 150 μm in A and 6 μm in C.

Image published in: Perry KJ et al. (2013)

Copyright © 2013. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

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