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Xenbase Image ID: 122974

Figure 11. Effect of trypsin on Na-channel activity in CCD from Na-replete rats. (A) Whole-cell current–voltage relationships of a principal cell from a CCD from a rat maintained on control chow. The tubule was superfused with solution containing 3 μg/ml trypsin. Currents were obtained in the absence (open squares) and presence (open circles) of amiloride. Filled squares represent the amiloride-sensitive current (INa). (B) INa measured at −100 mV in the presence and absence of trypsin. Data represent means ± SEM for 14 and 13 cells, respectively.

Image published in: Frindt G et al. (2008)

© 2008 Frindt et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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