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Xenbase Image ID: 144693

FIG. 2. Neural crest induction by Xwnt7B in ectodermal explants. (A) Xwnt7B induces dorsal and posterior neural markers in noggininjected animal explants, while Xwnt8 does not. Animal caps are explanted at blastula stage 9, and RNA is extracted at midgastrula stage 11 or neurula stage 17. The amounts of RNA used for injection are 50 pg Xwnt7B, 50 pg Xwnt8, and 200 pg noggin, in isolation or combination (lanes 2 to 6, respectively). Lane 1 shows control uninjected explants, while whole embryo controls with or without reverse transcriptase (RT) are shown in lanes 7 and 8. (B) Neural patterning at different doses of Xwnt7B. Noggin RNA (0.2 ng) is coinjected with 10, 50, 100, and 500 pg of Xwnt7B RNA (lanes 3 to 6). Neural crest markers and Krox20 can be induced at a low dose of Xwnt7B (10 pg), while other caudal markers cannot be induced efficiently. (C) Differences in caudalizing activity of Xwnt7B and Xwnt3A. Lanes 3 and 4 are animal explants injected with 0.2 ng noggin and 50 pg Xwnt3A or 50 pg Xwnt7B, respectively. Xwnt3A is a stronger caudalizing factor than Xwnt7B. (D) Xwnt7B induces neural crest markers in dissociated animal caps. Lane 1 is uninjected control caps, lane 2 is intact animal caps injected with 100 pg Xwnt7B RNA, and lanes 3 (uninjected) and 4 (injected with 100 pg Xwnt7B RNA) are explants dissociated in calcium- and magnesium-free medium for 4 h before reaggregation and incubation to midneurula stage.

Image published in: Chang C and Hemmati-Brivanlou A (1998)

Copyright © 1998. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

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