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Xenbase Image ID: 118360

Figure 2. Activity of rat brain NBCe1-B expressed in an oocyte. (A) pHi (top trace) and voltage (bottom trace) were measured simultaneously in an NBCe1-B–injected oocyte that was initially bathed in a nominally HCO3−-free, HEPES-buffered solution. The oocyte was exposed to a solution containing 1.5% CO2/10 mM HCO3− during segment ae. Electrogenic NBC activity was evident from the instantaneous hyperpolarization (b'), and the pHi recovery (bc) following the initial CO2-induced acidification (ab). DIDS blocked the pHi recovery (cd), and partially reversed the hyperpolarization (c'). (B) The same experimental protocol in panel A was performed on an H2O-injected oocyte. Exposing the oocyte to CO2/HCO3− had no effect on Vm (a'b'), and elicited no pHi recovery (bc) following the initial decrease in pHi (ab). 200 μM DIDS generated only a small hyperpolarization (c').

Image published in: McAlear SD et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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