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Xenbase Image ID: 86779

Fig. 3. Neural-specific expression of xefiltin mRNA as revealed by Northern blot analysis of total RNA (10 μg for each sample) from various Xenopus tissues with a 32P-labeled cDNA probe (spanning nucleotides 297 to 950). Lane 1, juvenile spinal cord; Lane 2, juvenile retina; Lane 3, juvenile brain; Lane 4, adult (. 3 yr old) brain; Lane 5, muscle; Lane 6, skin; Lane 7, liver; and Lane 8, ovary. Marks labeled 28S and 18S indicate the positions of the large and small ribosomal RNAs, respectively.

Image published in: Zhao Y and Szaro BG (1997)

Copyright © 1997. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

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