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Figure 2. Overview of hymenochirin transcripts: amino acid sequences, structure and encoded peptides.A Deduced amino acid sequences of the hymenochirin transcripts. Previously published hymenochirins [27] are marked in grey; predicted novel encoded hymenochirins are marked in black. Small arrowheads indicate putative cleavage sites for the hymenochirins. Names of encoded hymenochirins are indicated on the right. B Comparative schematic representation of repeat sequences in the transcripts. The number of cDNA sequences represented by each transcript is indicated between brackets. Each repeat is represented by one larger and one smaller block (repeat sections), corresponding to exons 2 and 3 in S. tropicalis and X. laevis AMP genes. The numbers in the blocks correspond to unique repeat sections as used in the phylogenetic analyses. Hymenochirins encoded by the corresponding transcripts are indicated on the right; previously published hymenochirins [27] are labeled grey, the novel hymenochirins are labeled black.

Image published in: Matthijs S et al. (2014)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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