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Xenbase Image ID: 49106

Fig. 3. PAR-1 is necessary and sufficient to promote vertical spindle orientation in the early neuroectoderm. (A-D) Maximum z-projections (main panels) and selected orthogonal yz (left) and xz (above) sections (with the plane of yz and xz sections indicated by the vertical and horizontal white lines, respectively) of confocal image stacks. Superficial neuroectoderm at early gastrula stage was stained for alpha-tubulin (spindles, red) and GFP (membranes and nuclei, green). Tissues injected with GFP-CAAX only (A), PAR-1A MO (C) or control MO (D) show numerous metaphase spindles in the xy plane, whereas with Myc-PAR-1TA-injection (B), many spindles are seen end-on (circled).

Image published in: Tabler JM et al. (2010)

Copyright © 2010. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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