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Figure 3. (A) Energetic analysis of PVC-TDMAC membrane selectivity. The filled circles represent the equilibrium transfer energy [Δ(ΔG)trans] for each anion relative to the value of C(CN)3 plotted as function of reciprocal anion radius, 1/r (Table ), and the dashed line is the best fit to the points. The solid line is the relative hydration energy [|Δ(ΔG)hyd|, C(CN)3 reference] calculated using and plotted versus 1/r. The dotted line is the relative solvation energy [|Δ(ΔG)solv|, C(CN)3 reference] calculated as Δ(ΔG)hyd − Δ(ΔG)trans. (A, inset) The free energy of transfer for a spherical test charge of 1-Å radius, plotted as a function of the dielectric constant of the medium to which the ion is being transferred from a vacuum according to . (B) Energetic analysis of CFTR permeability selectivity. The solid circles represent the relative peak height [Δ(ΔG)peak, C(CN)3 reference] calculated from the permeability ratios (Table ) plotted as function of reciprocal anion radius, 1/r (Table ). The dashed line is the best fit to the data points. The solid line is the relative hydration energy [|Δ(ΔG)hyd|, C(CN)3 reference] calculated using vs. 1/r. The dotted line is the apparent relative solvation energy [|Δ(ΔG)solv|] calculated by subtracting the best fit to the data points from |Δ(ΔG)hyd|.

Image published in: Smith SS et al. (1999)

© 1999 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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