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FIG. 6. ATP sensitivity of wild-type and mutant channels after preconditioning with 10 mmol/L MgATP. A: Representative homE1506D currents recorded in response to different MgATP concentrations (as indicated), preceded by a preconditioning pulse in 10 mmol/L MgATP solution (indicated by the unlabeled solid line [–––]) and followed by control (nucleotide-free) solution. The dashed lines (- - -) indicate the zero current. B–D: Mean relationship between MgATP concentration and KATP current (I), expressed relative to that in the absence of nucleotide (Ic), after 30-s preincubation in 10 mmol/L MgATP for WT (○, n = 9), heterozygous (●), and homomeric mutant (▲) channels. Channels were composed of Kir6.2 and wild-type or mutant SUR1 subunits, as indicated. B: homE1506D (n = 8), hetE1506D (n = 9). C: homE1506G (n = 7), hetE1506G (n = 7). D: homE1506K (n = 7), hetE1506K (n = 5). The lines are drawn to eq. 1, with the following parameters (in μmol/L for IC50): wild-type, IC50 = 28, h = 1.2; homE1506D, IC50 = 78, h = 1.2; hetE1506D, IC50 = 45, h = 1.2; homE1506G, IC50 = 105, h = 1.3; hetE1506G, IC50 = 45, h = 1.3; homE1506K, IC50 = 18, h = 1.6; hetE1506K, IC50 = 26, h = 1.4.

Image published in: Männikkö R et al. (2011)

© 2011 by the American Diabetes Association. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license

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