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Xenbase Image ID: 125023

Figure 5. Brain-specific but variegated expression in newborn and adults from three different transgenic mouse lines.Newborn pups (A, D, G) or adult brains (B, C, E, F, H, I) from mouse transgenic lines 3 (A, B, C), 12 (D, E, F), and 21 (G, H, I) were stained for betagalactosidase activity, along with wild-type controls (J, K). Newborn pups (A, D, G, H) and adult brains (C, F, I, K) were cut sagitally or transversely, respectively, for X-Gal penetration and structure identification. Note the different patterns of expression in different mouse lines. Asterisks show a territory of endogenous, cytoplasmic betagalactosidase expression, the nasal pits, also seen in the wild-type controls (J). Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B, D, E, G, H, J) or 1 mm (C, F, I, K).

Image published in: Coulon V et al. (2010)

Coulon et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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