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Figure 5. Concentration-inhibition curves for asperparaline A in terms of attenuation of the responses to ACh of the silkworm larval neurons.(A) The ACh-induced responses recorded before and after bath-application of asperparaline A for 1 min prior to co-application with 10 µM ACh. The peak and slowly desensitizing currents are indicated by “a” and “b”, respectively. (B) Concentration-inhibition curves for asperparaline A. Data were normalized to the maximum response to ACh (10 µM). Each plot represents the mean ± the standard error of the mean of 4 experiments. The concentration-inhibition curves were obtained by fitting the data to Eq. (1) (see Materials and Methods). The pIC50 ( = log(1/IC50) values for the peak and slowly desensitizing currents were 7.69±0.02 (n = 4, IC50 = 20.2 nM) and 7.40±0.04 (n = 4, IC50 = 39.6 nM), respectively. These two values are significantly different (p<0.05, t-test).

Image published in: Hirata K et al. (2011)

Hirata et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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