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Figure 8. Spermine block of channels resulting from coexpression of a 1:3 or 3:1 molar ratio of S1-WT and S2-ND subunits verifies the global fitting procedure. (A and D) Families of normalized, leak-subtracted ramp I/V curves obtained in patches from oocytes injected with a 1:3 (A) or 3:1 (D) molar ratio of S1-WT+S2-ND cRNA; in the absence of (black lines), or in the presence of 5 (red lines), 20 (cyan lines), 100 (blue lines), and 500 μM (green lines) spermine. (B and E) Families of grel/V curves obtained from the I/V curves shown in A and D (solid symbols, color coding as in A and C). Families of solid black lines represent global fits to the ensembles of four grel/V curves allowing for only four free parameters (a1…a4). All other parameters were fixed to the values shown in Table I. Obtained fit parameters were a1 = 0.590, a2 = 0.022, a3 = 0.065, a4 = 0.003 in B; and a1 = 0.091, a2 = 0.170, a3 = 0.359, a4 = 0.363 in E. The p values calculated from ai using Eq. 10 were p = 0.21 in B, and p = 0.74 in E. Image published in: Chan KW et al. (2008) Copyright © 2008, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |