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Figure 3. Effect of Vismodegib on inner ear sensory epithelia development. A, Animals treated with Vismodegib exhibited a dose-dependent reduction in sensory epithelia development. B, Immunohistochemistry using antibodies against Tubulin (green) and MyoVI (red) to label neurons and hair cells, respectively. Shown here is a control ear. C, 3D reconstruction of hair cells shows that in control animals, there are six distinct sensory epithelia. D,D′, 3D reconstruction of hair cells from an animal treated with 6.25 µM Vismodegib showing four distinct sensory epithelia. E, 3D reconstruction of hair cells from an animal treated with 12.5 µM Vismodegib showing four distinct sensory epithelia. F, 3D reconstruction of hair cells from an animal treated with 18.75 µM Vismodegib showing four distinct sensory epithelia. Sensory epithelial patches were sometimes connected by a few hair cells in a “bridge” (arrow). G-G′, 3D reconstruction of hair cells from an animal treated with 21.875 µM Vismodegib showing three distinct epithelia. In D′ and G′ Hoechst staining was used to 3D reconstruct the inner boundary of the ears, shown in blue. Note the reduction in distinct epithelia (compare outlines in D′,G′) exceeds the reduction in hair cells. Ac, anterior canal crista; Hc, horizontal canal crista; Pc, posterior canal crista; U, utricle; S, saccule; L, lagena. Scale bars represent 100 μm. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Image published in: Zarei S et al. (2017)

Copyright © 2017. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

myo6.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 44inner ear
sensory epithelial cell

Image source: Published

Experiment + Assay Source Phenotypes and Disease
Xla Wt + Vismodegib + NF44 (immunohistochemistry) Figure 3
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal inner ear morphology

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