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Xenbase Image ID: 129645

Figure 4. Overexpression of all three TIMP-1 constructs leads to abnormal development and death. Following injection of mRNA constructs at the 1-cell stage, embryos were scored for a normal phenotype at stages 15 and 30. Dead and abnormal embryos were counted as containing morphological defects. The graph illustrates the percentage of normal embryos following injection of GFP mRNA (GFP), or full-length (T1FL), N-terminal (T1N), or C-terminal (T1C) TIMP-1 mRNA constructs at the given stage. Control embryos are uninjected. Results are based on 3 independent sets of experiments; bars indicate standard error.

Image published in: Nieuwesteeg MA et al. (2014)

Copyright © 2014 M. Creative Commons Attribution license

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