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Xenbase Image ID: 117458

Figure 1. Effects of expressed Gq coupled receptor stimulation on hyperpolarization-induced activation of the endogenous Tin channel in Xenopus oocytes. A) Representative trace of the Tin channel current at −140 mV following stimulation of the expressed hP2Y1 receptor. Time-to-peak current measurements were used to assess hyperpolarization-induced activation of the channel and are defined as the elapsed time following the capacitance current to the peak inward current. B) Comparison of time-to-peak measurements for hB1-bradykinin (n = 13), Gq alpha subunit (n = 13), hP2Y1 receptor (n = 14), and sP2Y (n = 13). C) Comparison of time-to-peak measurements for hB1-bradykinin (n = 13), rM1-muscarinic (n = 12), hP2Y4 (n = 12), and hP2Y11 (n = 13) receptors.

Image published in: Lee SY et al. (2004)

Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. © Springer 2004

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