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Figure 8—figure supplement 3 Bleed through ratio of fluorescence from AF488 and TAMRA through FRET cube. Ratio of maximal ΔF obtained through FRET cube (ex. 480/40 nm; em. 610/75 nm) and 488 filter cube (ex. 480/40 nm; em. 535/50 nm) or TAMRA filter cube (ex. 535/50 nm; em. 610/75 nm) for AF488-DBCO (green, n = 7) or TAMRA-MTS (red, n = 9) labeled oocytes expressing Shaker-M356*-S424C (M356/M448L/C245V/C462A/S424C).

Image published in: Gupta K et al. (2019)

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