Xenbase Image ID: 124105
Figure 1. An overview of Wnt-5a signalling. (A) Wnt-5a can activate PCP through a process dependent on Roh A and possibly Roh B leading to the control of cellular movement. (B) Wnt-5a uses numerous signalling molecules leading to the release of Ca2+ resulting in various cellular effects including cell movement and inhibition of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway. (C) Wnt-5a can bind the ROR-2 receptor activating JNK and the cytoskeleton as well as inhibiting β-catenin/TCF dependent transcription. (D) Wnt-5a can inhibit β-catenin/TCF-dependent transcription through Shia-1. (E) In the presence of FZ4 and LRP-5, Wnt-5a can activate β-catenin/TCF-dependent transcription. (F) Wnt-5a can activate PKA, which in turn can inhibit GSK-β to promote β-catenin/TCF-dependent transcription. Figure adapted from Semenov et al (2007). Image published in: McDonald SL and Silver A (2009) Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. Copyright 2009, Cancer Research UK Larger Image Printer Friendly View |