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Fig. 2. Power spectra of illuminators used to activate or de-activate channels. Two types of illumination systems were used, LED arrays and fiberoptically delivered LED lights inside light-tight cubes. Arrays comprised six LEDs arranged in a circle and aimed towards a central point. Irradiance inside the cubes was measured by the manufacturer at lmax. Irradiance of the LED arrays was measured using a USB650 spectrometer, an LS1-CAL lamp for calibration, and SpectraSuite software. As much as possible given the difference in thicknesses, the sensor was placed at the same distance from the light as the embryos, as indicated in the table. To calculate irradiance, each curve was integrated from l max – 10 nm through l max + 10 nm.

Image published in: Spencer Adams D et al. (2014)

Copyright © 2014. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.

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